Wednesday, December 17, 2008


  • Ilmu adalah warisan para nabi, manakala harta ialah warisan Qarun dan Firaun.
  • Ilmu boleh menjaga kamu, sedangkan harta itu kamu yang menjaganya.
  • Orang yang memiliki ilmu mempunyai ramai teman, sedangkan pemilik harta mempunyai ramai musuh.
  • Ilmu itu akan bertambah jika diamalkan, sedangkan harta akan berkurangan jika dibelanjakan.
  • Pemilik ilmu akan dihormati, sedangkan pemilik harta dikenali sebagai si kedekut.
  • Di Hari KIamat pemilik ilmu akan memberi syafaat, manakala pemilik harta akan dihisab.
  • Biarpun masa berlalu, ilmu tidak akan lapuk tetapi harta itu semakin lama semakin usang.
  • Ilmu dapat menerangi hati, tetapi harta boleh mengeraskan hati.
  • Orang berilmu mengakui dirinya hamba Allah sedangkan orang berharta mengakui dirinya pemilik.
~Saidina Ali Abu Talib~


How do we know that a revelation like the Qur’an is the word of God?

The criteria for truth can be easily understood by all:

1. RATIONAL TEACHINGS: Since God bestowed reason and intellect on mankind, it is our duty to use it to distinguish truth from falsehood. True undistorted revelation from God must be rational and can be reasoned out by all unbiased minds.

2. PERFECTION: Since God is all perfect, His revelation must be perfect and accurate, free from mistakes, omissions, interpolations and multiplicity of versions. It should be free from contradictions in its narration.

3. NO MYTHS OR SUPERSTITIONS: True revelation from God is free from myths or superstitions that degrade the dignity of God or man.

4. SCIENTIFIC: Since God is the Creator of all knowledge, true revelation is scientific and can be with-stand the challenge of science at all times.

5. PROPHECY: God is Knower of the past, present and future. Thus His word of prophecies in His revelation will be fulfilled ad prophesied.

6. INMITABLE BY MAN: True revelation from God is infallible and cannot be imitated by man. God’s true revelation is living miracle, an open Book challenging all mankind to see and prove for themselves.

“For We assuredly sent amongst every people a prophet, with the command: ‘Worship Allah and avoids false Gods.’” (Qur’an 16:36)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

SINIS berNADA.....

Satu hari, duit seringgit telah bertemu dengan duit lima puluh ringgit dan bertanya:

RM1 : Oit, lama tak Nampak, mana ko pergi??

RM50 : Aku pergi merata tempat. Pergi stadium tengok bola, naik STAR Cruise, lepak Midvalley, gi konsert AF, Malaysian Idol..tempat-tempat camtu lah. Eh, ko ape citer plak??

RM1 : (jawab dengan perlahan dan tunduk) Hmmm..biasa aaah..balik-balik tempat sama..surau, masjid, surau…

Let There Be NO Compulsion in Religion

Dear Reader, We want to remind you to the fact that..

There is no compulsion for man to accept the TRUTH. But it is certainty a shame upon the human intellect when man is not even interested in finding out as to what is the TRUTH!.

Islam teaches that God has given man the faculty of reason and therefore experts man to reason things out objectively and systematically for himself. To reflect and to question and to reflect.

Nobody should press you to make a hasty decision to accept any of the teachings of Islam, for Islam teaches that man should be given the freedom to choose.

Even when man is forced with the TRUTH, there is no compulsion upon man to embrace it. But before you begin to form an opinion about Islam, ask yourself whether your existing knowledge of Islam is thorough enough.

Ask yourself whether that knowledge has been obtained through non-Muslim third party sources who themselves have probably been exposed to only random glimpses of Islamic writings and have yet to reason on Islam objectively and systematically themselves.

Is it fair that one should form an opinion about the taste of a particular dish just by hearsay from others who may themselves not necessarily have tasted the dish yet? Similarly you should find out for yourself about Islam from reliable sources and not only taste it, but digest it well before you form an opinion. That would be an intellectual approach to Islam.

It is up to you to make the next move.

In making your move, Islam continuously reassures you that your rights to freedom of choice and freedom to use that God-given faculty of thought and reason will be respected. Every man has that individual will. No one else can take that away that will and force you to surrender to the will of God. You have to find out and make that decision yourself.
May your intellectual journey towards the TRUTH be a pleasant one.

The Qur’an says:
“Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Taghut (evil) and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trust worthy hand-hold that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.” (Qur’an 2:256)

Sunday, December 7, 2008


One Day a wealthy family man took his son on road trip to the country so he could have his son to see how poor country people were. They stayed one day and one night in the farm house of a very humble farmer. On they way back home, the father asked, “What do you think about road trip?”

The son replied, “Very nice dad.”

Then the father asked, “Did you noticed how poor they were?”

The son replied, “Yes, I guess so.”

Then the father added, “And what do you learn?”

To this question the son thought for a moment and answered slowly, “I learned that we have a dog in the house and they have four. We have fountain in the garden and they have a stream with no end. We have fancy lanterns in our garden, while they have the stars. Our garden goes to the edge of our yard they have the entire horizon!”

At the end of son’s answer, the father was speechless. His son then added. “Thanks dad, for showing me how poor WE really are.”

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Klinik Optometri UIAM telah mula beroperasi sejak 2006 dibawah Jabatan Optometri & Sains Visual, UIAM. Terletak di tingkat 5 bangunan Kulliyyah Perubatan, Kampus Kuantan. Dengan Kelengkapan yang terkini dan moden, Klinik Optometri UIAM terkehadapan dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan yang professional.


1. Klinik Optometri Primer
Pemeriksaan mata secara komprehensif meliputi kuasa refraksi mata, kesihatan mata dan tahap binokulariti mata. Mungkin tanpa disedari, anda menghidapi glaukoma, katarak atau diabetik retinopati.

2. Klinik Optometri Paediatrik
Pemeriksaan kesihatan mata anak anda meliputi masalah kejulingan, keseimbangan binocular dan tahap refraksi.

3. Klinik Kanta Sentuh
Bukan sekadar meliputi kanta sentuh yang biasa didapati di kedai-kedai optikal. Di samping menyediakan perkhidmatan pemeriksaan sebelum pemakaian, semasa pemasangan dan selepas pemakaian kanta sentuh, turut terdapat perkhidmatan pemeriksaaan dan pemasangan kanta sentuh khas (keratoconus, prostetik).

4. Klinik Penglihatan Warna
Ingin tahu status penglihatan warna anda? Sekiranya anda menghidapi rabun warna, dalam kategori manakah ia tergolong? Anda bolehlah mendapatkan kepastiannya di sini dengan menjalani pemeriksaan di Klinik Penglihatan Warna kami.

5. Klinik Penglihatan Terhad
Membantu pesakit yang tidak mampu melakukan tugas seharian akibat masalah penglihatan. Pemeriksaan yang dilakukan melibatkan tahap penglihatan pesakit menggunakan penglihatannya serta menilai kesesuaian penggunaan alat-alat bantuan penglihatan bagi membantu pesakit. Masalah penglihatan ini tidak dapat dipulihkan sepenuhnya melalui kaedah perubatan, pembedahan, terapi, kacamata atau kanta sentuh.

Orang ramai dijemput mengunjungi Klinik Optometri UIAM untuk pemeriksaan mata disamping menyumbang masa dalam usaha melahirkan pakar optometris yang mahir dan berkaliber di masa hadapan.

Untuk temujanji sila hubungi melalui:
Tel: 09-5716400 ext: 2627/2631
Fax: 09-5716776

Jabatan Optometri Dan Sains Visual,
Kuliah Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu,
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia,
Jalan Istana, Bandar Indera Makhota,
25200 Kuantan, Pahang.

p/s: sekadar renungan, kenape biarkan mata anda diperiksa oleh org yg xbertauliah? For the safe wise, apbila memasuki mane2 pusat optical, pastikan sekurang2nya tertulis perkataan “optometri”..:-)

NO $$

Dear Dad,

Campu$ i$ really great. I am making lot$ of friend$ and $tudying very hard. With all my $tuff, I $imlpy can’t think of anything I need. $o if you would like, you can $end me a card, a$ I would love to hear from you.

Your $on


Dear Son,

I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceaNOgraphy are eNOugh to keep even an hoNOur student busy. Do NOt forget that the persuit of kNOwledge is a NOble task, and you can study eNOugh.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


KUALA LUMPUR, 22 Mac (Bernama) -- Persatuan Optometri Malaysia menggesa Kementerian Kesihatan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap mana-mana pembekal atau pengedar yang menjual kanta sentuh kepada pengamal optometri yang tidak berlesen.

Presidennya Dr Chung Kah Meng berkata mana-mana pembekal yang mengamalkan amalan memberi kanta sentuh percubaan secara percuma tanpa pemeriksaan oleh juruoptik yang bertauliah dan berlesen harus didakwa.

Katanya laporan mengenai jangkitan fungas pada kornea mata oleh pemakai kanta sentuh baru-baru ini telah menyebabkan banyak kekeliruan dan tidak kepastian di kalangan pengguna.

Menurut Akta Optik 1991, katanya, hanya juruoptik dan optometris yang berdaftar dan berlesen sahaja boleh mengesyorkan dan memberikan kanta sentuh.

"Semua pengamal optometri dan juruoptik berlesen diberi perakuan pengamalan tahunan oleh Majlis Optikal Malaysia yang terletak di Kementerian Kesihatan. Pengguna boleh meminta pengamal menunjukkan sijil jika mahu mengetahui mereka itu berlesen atau tidak," katanya kepada Bernama di sini.

"Bagaimanapun ada ramai juruoptik yang tidak berlesen yang memberikan preskripsi kanta sentuh. Kami juga tahu ramai juruoptik yang menggunakan perkataan "Optometri" dengan pura-pura sebagai optometris dan memakaikan kanta sentuh kepada pengguna," katanya.

Dr Chung berkata persatuannya, sebagai satu-satunya badan profesional di Malaysia yang mewakili pengamal optometri dan penjagaan mata, telah meminta Kementerian Kesihatan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap juruoptik yang menggunakan perkataan "optometri" bagi memperdayakan orang awam.

"Persatuan Optometri Malaysia sentiasa meminta kementerian memperketatkan kawalan terhadap pengamal yang tidak berlesen.

"Pasukan petugas penguatkuasaan kementerian harus bertindak segera dan mendakwa pengamal yang tidak berlesen yang menjual kanta sentuh secara haram," katanya.

Dr Chung berkata persatuan telah meminta kementerian mempercepatkan proses menghubungkaitkan kiraan mata Pendidikan Berterusan (CE) dengan Lesen Pengamalan Tahunan di mana pengamal harus mengikuti sejumlah masa tertentu ceramah, persidangan atau latihan yang diiktirafkan oleh persatuan sebagai syarat memperbaharui lesen.

Di Malaysia, terdapat kira-kira 1,200 pengamal kanta sentuh berlesen di samping doktor mata (pakar optalmologi) yang boleh mempreskripsi kanta sentuh.

Dr Chung berkata peningkatan insiden jangkitan mata oleh pemakai kanta sentuh yang dilaporkan oleh media baru-baru ini tidak hanya semata-mata kerana penggunaan larutan pembersih tertentu.

Bagi mencegah jangkitan mata di kalangan pemakai kanta sentuh, persatuan itu meminta mereka mematuhi prosedur kebersihan seperti membasuh tangan dengan sabun dan mengeringkan tangan sebelum mengendalikan kanta sentuh, larutan pembersih dan aksesori berkaitan.

"Di samping itu, jangan basahkan kanta dengan air ludah, air botol atau air paip, dan jangan menggunakan larutan kanta sentuh selepas sebulan membuka bekas larutan. Ikut jadual tempoh masa penggunaan dan penggantian kanta sentuh seperti yang disyorkan oleh optometris dan pakar optalmologi," katanya.

Dr Chung berkata persatuannya juga menyediakan talian Hotline (012-3979498) untuk orang awam mendapatkan nasihat pada waktu pejabat atau boleh menghantar emel ke alamat atau akses laman web BERNAMA


People commonly confuse ophthalmologists with optometrists and opticians, but there are important differences among them.

Optician vs. Optometrist vs. Ophthalmologist

Opticians are not responsible, nor trained, for eye examinations or treatment solutions for eye disorders. An optician, however, may take eye measurements to ensure the eyeglass prescriptions are correct and fit properly. Opticians will help you select frames and adjust them to fit comfortably. Opticians are masters of lenses. In most settings an optician is given a written eyeglass or contact lens prescription by an Optometrist. Opticians are not medically trained, rather they are technically trained. When you go to your local eyeglass boutique, more often than not, you will be working with an optician to find and fit your eyeglasses to your prescription. Opticians can not write your prescription. Opticians are licensed by the state and requirements vary from state to state. In most states, an optician must attend a 2 year college and/or have apprenticeship experience.

Optometrists are primary healthcare professional who perform annual examinations to treat any vision problems and detect signs of disease and abnormal conditions. Examinations may also include testing for glaucoma, cataract, color perception, depth, and the ability to focus and coordinate the eyes. An optometrist can diagnose eye disease and prescribe eyeglasses, contact lenses, vision therapy, and limited medications to treat eye diseases. In general, optometrists work more with patients who have “healthy” (i.e., without disease) eyes. The optometrist does not have a medical degree and does not perform surgery. An optometrist is, however, called a doctor of optometry in same states. An optometrist must have 2–4 years of undergraduate education plus a 4 year optometry degree. Optometrists must be licensed, have a Doctor of Optometry degree or Bachelor in Optometry, and pass a state board examination. Currently, in Malaysia, there are only three public universities that offered this optometry course which are National University of Malaysia (UKM), International Islamic University of Malaysia (UIAM) and MARA University Technology of Malaysia (UiTM).

Ophthalmologists must acquire a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree or Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery (MBBS), a broad knowledge of general medicine, and clinical training. This provides them with enough experience to diagnose and treat all types of eye disorders. Most MD's perform full eye exams and can perform a wide variety of surgeries, such a refractive, cataract, muscular, or corneal transplants to name a few. If a person requires medical or surgical care for an eye disease or an eye injury, he or she will seek the assistance of an ophthalmologist. Your refractive laser surgeon MUST be an ophthalmologist. While both Ophthalmologists and Optometrists are both titled "Eye Doctors", it is the Ophthalmologist who is the Medical Doctor (MD).


1. jangan kamu mensyirikkan Allah
2. bersyukurlah kepada Allah
3. berbaktilah kepada ibu bapamu
4. taatlah kepada ibubapa dalam perkara yang diizinkan Allah
5. dirikanlah solat
6. lakukanlah amalan soleh setiap masa
7. serulah manusia kearah kebaikan & cegah kemungkaran
8. tanamlah sifat sabar
9. janganlah bersikap sombong
10. bersederhanalah ketika berjalan & bercakap


Alcoholic : Do you think I am doing wrong by eating a date?
Scholar : No.
Alcoholic : And if I ate it with some grass?
Scholar : There is nothing wrong with that.
Alcoholic : And if I were to wash them down with water?
Scholar : Drink and enjoy my brother.
Alcoholic : Since all of that is permissible, then why do you forbid us from alcohol which consists of the above mentioned ingredients?
Scholar : If I poured water on top of your head, would that hurt you?
Alcoholic : No it would not.
Scholar : And if I were to sprinkle some cement in that, would that hurt you?
Alcoholic : That would not harm me.
Scholar : But if I were to mix water and cement together and through process make a large a brick from those two elements, and then were I to throw that brick on you, would you be hurt?
Alcoholic : That would kill me!!!
Scholar : The same goes for alcohol.

“They asked you (O Muhammad) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say “In them is a great sin and (some) benefits for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefits..